Cloud Party has now a new user login, so you can login and create an account without having a facebook account.
Cloud Party also updated a lot of stuff and the Beginner Area is now all new and shiny.
Give it a try, it is free and without download of any software or plugins if you are using google chrome, firefox or safari browser.
Internet 3D, Virtuelle Welten, Cloud Party, Second Life, Open Sim ...
Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012
Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012
Reales Geld verdienen in Cloud Party (virtuelle 3D-Welt)
Cloud Party "Facebook 3D" nun mit richtiger Währung (Cloud Coins)
In Cloud Party ist nun möglich im Marketplace (virtueller Marktplatz) seine virtuellen 3D-Objekte für Cloud Coins zu verkaufen und damit vielleicht sogar reich zu werden!? Diese Cloud Coins, kurz CC haben einen US Dollar -Wechselkurs von ca. 0.05 $ für 1 Cloud Coins.Dadurch ist es, für die vielen Entwickler und 3D-Content Designer und Ersteller, nun möglich mit ihren Werken reales Geld zu verdienen. Dies könnte die wichtigste Neuerung im Hinsicht auf einen langfristigen kommerziellen Erfolg Cloud Partys sein, da es nun für die Entwickler auch kommerziell interessant wird Content für Cloud Party zu erstellen. Vor einigen Jahren hat Anshe Chung mit Second Life (die Währung dort sind Linden Dollar) dort angeblich mehr als eine Million Euro Gewinn gemacht. Die Chancen sind also gegeben mit Cloud Party, welches durch die Facebook-Verbindung ein sehr hohes Potential besitzt tatsächlich reales Geld zu verdienen.
Der Marktplatz ermöglicht es den Nutzern von Cloud Party ihren Avatar kreativ zu gestalten und Objekte für die sogenannte "Home Island" (privater bebaubarer Bereich, der bei der Anmeldung verfügbar wird) zu erwerben. Durch die nun möglichen Einnahmen, werden automatisch komplexere und aufwendiger gestaltete Prefabs, Outfits und sonstige Objekte (User-) generiert.
Hier kann theoretisch jeder mit ein wenig Übung eigene Modelle erstellen und verkaufen.
Dafür würde ich für Anfänger die kostenlosen 3D-Programme: Blender und Google SketchUp empfehlen. SketchUp eignet sich besonders gut für Objekte mit vielen Kanten und ebenen Flächen (z. B. Architektur) und Blender ist ein hervorragendes Open Source 3D-Programm, dessen Anwendung sogar Animationen und Skelette beinhaltet. Zu beiden finden sich im Internet viele sehr anschauliche Tutorials.
Abgesehen davon hat Cloud Party nun eine neue offizielle (und jetzt auch optisch ansprechende) Website
Hier kann theoretisch jeder mit ein wenig Übung eigene Modelle erstellen und verkaufen.
Dafür würde ich für Anfänger die kostenlosen 3D-Programme: Blender und Google SketchUp empfehlen. SketchUp eignet sich besonders gut für Objekte mit vielen Kanten und ebenen Flächen (z. B. Architektur) und Blender ist ein hervorragendes Open Source 3D-Programm, dessen Anwendung sogar Animationen und Skelette beinhaltet. Zu beiden finden sich im Internet viele sehr anschauliche Tutorials.
Abgesehen davon hat Cloud Party nun eine neue offizielle (und jetzt auch optisch ansprechende) Website
Montag, 12. November 2012
Cloud Party - 3D Facebook - Link List GmbH

Brandenburger Tor,2.8,-48.9,3.1_2268



Headquarter Berlin,-24.9,-33.1,0_2222,-0.3,0.1,-0.3_2227


Koblenz Art,-46.4,0.6,0.1_2229


Headquarter Berlin,-24.9,-33.1,0_2222

Moya Factory:,-23.9,-48.7,-3_2225

theox´s island,-35.8,3,0_2161

Artee´s Cloud,-31.6,1.3,0.7_2177
Lilly´s Homeworld,-25.6,2.1,0.5_2001
Cloud Apmel,-15.6,1.1,0_2173

Puzzle Zone:,6,0.1,-0.1_2005

Rustica - Ant Farm,160.1,59.9,-1.6_2200

Lilly´s Clothing Workshop:,-9.5,-18.4,-1.6_2151

Club Hemnation,-5.9,37.8,0_2236

Dances & Animations (hemnation),-44.5,8.9,0_2194

Unique megastore,36.4,0.1,3.1_2154

pirate rock - gipsy island (cell-shade),15,-9.6,-2.7_2198



new trouserland,-60,-7,0.8_2011


IDIA Lab,15.6,2,3_2266

Mochis Bastrop_olis,21,5,-1.6_2195

send Links of your Clouds/Sims to:
Sonntag, 4. November 2012
Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012
3D Berlin Hackerspace
The 3D Berlin Hackerspace is now listed online wOOOw !° () == !! after serving artists, hackers, geeks and nerds since 2006 we ca be proud of our 3D Berlin Headquarter Open Office Hackerspace listing.
Visit us every Wednesday 19.00 hannoversche str.3 10115 Berlin special events, special hardware, special software, special guests ... _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Visit us every Wednesday 19.00 hannoversche str.3 10115 Berlin special events, special hardware, special software, special guests ... _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Montag, 1. Oktober 2012
Fly a helicopter now on all 3D Berlin Clouds
Real Burger brings his Helicopter now on all 3D Berlin Clouds.
You can fly around in virtual 3D Berlin now.
Be carefull, it is still in BETA;)Big thanks to the awesome Cloud Party Content Developer "Real Burger" and his well made moving Cloud Party Vehicles.
Make sure you check out custom avatar Tutorial also:
Cloud Party (Facebook 3D) Website Link Sammlung
A short list of useful Cloud Party links.
Eine kurze Sammlung mit praktischen Cloud Party Links.
Avatar creation tutorial Party Usage and Growth Seems to Plateau Party Wiki Party FORUM App Page Party F.A.Q Party Scripting and Coding Documentation MAGAZINE FOR ENTERPRISE USERS OF VIRTUAL WORLDS Little Bytes by Real Burger Party Bugle, 29. September 2012
Metameets 2012 web 3D conference
Metameets 2012
the interactive Seminar Meetup Virtual Worlds and 3D internet is coming up!
Meet us there!
Visit Metameets in Cloud Party:
Freitag, 14. September 2012
3D Berlin Stadtrundgang 2.0 tourist city guide in 3D
3D Berlin Brandenburger Tor
3D Berlin Fernsehturm
3D Berlin
3D Berlin Office
3D Berlin Art
3D Berlin Eberswalder Str.
3D Berlin Karte
Donnerstag, 16. August 2012
Improve your worklife by learning Scrum at the GmbH headquater
Did you ever wonder how to plan your time, keep your promises to the customers and make sure that your team finishes its work in time? There are lot of time management tools and ways to improve your time management, but the GmbH team considers Scrum as one of the best free agile time management tools.
Therefore, now you can learn Scrum at the GmbH in Berlin. Jan Northoff, the founder of the 3D Webdesing and Internet agency is also a certified Scrum Master and he got his certification in February 2012 in California by absolving the Scrum training hold by Jeff Sutherland, Scott Downey and Dan Greening.
I got to know Scrum right after I started my internship at GmbH as a Social Media trainee. I have to admit, at first I was very confused about the method, because I had tried something similar, but it never worked out for me. Day by day Jan Northoff teached me how to Scrum and plan my time with this quite fun agile time management tool. After a short time I recognized that Scrum makes my work life easy and exciting, so I recommend you to give it a serious try, because it will pay off!
Read more about GmbH Scrum trainning offer here
Read more about what is Scrum in our blog Certified Agile Scrum Master in Berlin
Reporting from GmbH headquater,
Anita Stabiņa
For more information about Scrum training at the GmbH contant us:
Hannoversche Str. 3
10115 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49-(0)30-55959464
Fax: +49-(0)30-55959465a
Dienstag, 7. August 2012
Cloud Party Time Berlin
Here is the Cloud Party Berlin in 3D.
Check out the virtual city Berlin!
Here is the developer Berlin cloud party island:
That's the place where the 3d developers hang out to script and build the city Berlin.
Check out the virtual city Berlin!
Here is the developer Berlin cloud party island:
That's the place where the 3d developers hang out to script and build the city Berlin.
Mittwoch, 1. August 2012
Early adaptors from Germany bring Germany into Cloud Party
As I said in my previous post - Cloud Party, the new Facebook- based and user generated 3D virtual world running on latest HTML5, Javascript and WebGL 3D browser technology has a great chance to become one of the leaders in the 3D virtual world business. Also, as the time passes, I found some more new and fun cloud islands. This means that more early adaptors and 3D fans are enjoying Cloud Party, so this is already the sign that my and other bloggers predictions about Cloud Party success in the near future isn’t wrong.
Now you can visit not just crazy and awesome artists cloud islands, but also enjoy Germany in 3D. I did my research and explored that Cloud Party is getting clouded by fresh and cool 3D Germany cloud islands. So let me introduce you with my newest findings.
In general I found six cloud islands - Deutschland, Hamburg 3D, Koblenz Art, Koeln, München 3D Munich and Berlin. I have to admit, at the moment there is not so much to see yet, but thanks to GmnH headquater boys diligence, cloud island Berlin has started to be developed. They had turned cloud island into Berlin’s city map, there already is Ring Bahn track around the city center and the famous Berlin TV tower is coming soon. Click here to visit Berlin cloud island.
So, in conclusion I have to say - I have a great feeling that we are going to see more of the Germany in Facebook-based and user-generated 3D virtual world Cloud Party pretty soon.
Reporting from GmbH headquater,
Anita Stabiņa
Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012
3D artists from all over the world create islands and 3D objects in Cloud Party
The new browser-based and user-generated 3D Facebook service Cloud Party has already several users and 3D artists fanbase. Since my first reserach and article about Cloud Party for 3D Internet and Webdesign Agency GmbH News Post, I had notice that Cloud Party is starting to develop rapidly and attract all kinds of artists, community managers and early adopters.
So in this post I am going to introduce you with my newest discoveries - awesome and crazy 3D artists islands at Cloud Party.
I have to admit - the longer time I spent doing my Cloud Party island’s research, the cooler islands I found.
Well known Second Life 3D artists Artistide Depres is also enjoying 3D virtual world Cloud Party and creating 3D art there also. Artistide has her own island “Artee’s cloud”. I was amazed when I first visited Artistide Depres island - there is huge women lying on the ground (her avatar), bugs flying in the sky around some kind of planet, rocks falling down from sky and all on top of that island motive itself is quite interesting and artistic. Click here to visit Artistide Despres island.
If you want to experience crazy underwater world, you should definitely visit “Lilli’s homeworld” island, the author of island is Lilli Thompson. “Lilli’s homeworld” reminds of aquarium or scene of underwater marine world - there are castles, fish, something that looks like devilfish and, of course, seaweeds. Click here to enjoy underwater world island “Lilli’s homeworld”.
The first working Danceball and several dance animations can be found here.
There is no Marketplace yet, but the Store looks already ready to sell dancing animations.
Last but not the least of my Cloud Party islands discovery is an art Museum island “Moya”, created by french artist Patrick Moya. This island is perfect place for those who love admirable art. He also is a Second Life artist with an own Sim, and Patrick Moya has also created a 3D art museum with many floors in Cloud Party - it is very colorful from inside and outside and there is some crazy-fun exhibitions to see. Click here to start your 3D art museum journey.
Latest 3D artists activity in 3D virtual world Cloud Party just proves that in very short time we are going to see more fun and great islands. Also this is the sign that Cloud Party has a great potential to become one of the leaders in 3D virtual world business.
Also check out the IBM island, or read about it here.
There is much more to explore, so if you want me to blog about your Island, just contact me at
Reporting from GmbH headquater,
Anita Stabiņa
Montag, 23. Juli 2012
IBM also has now a Cloud Party Test Island
While I was traveling in between the new 3D virtual World Cloud Party’s islands I accidentally detected IBM’s island. They just opened their Cloud Party IBM Sandbox like island. IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) -one of the biggest companies selling computers, hardware and software- is also known to be quite active in the Virtual World field.
At the moment their island is little empty and there is not so much 3D stuff you can enjoy, but it is quite huge, so I predict that there is going to be some cool 3D objects and mesh soon. I talked to the owner and they announced this is a official IBM test cloud island, to get to know the technology and maybe start some projects in the future.
The island is free to visit and just a modern Browser like Firefox or Chrome is needed.
Click here to get to know IMB’s cloud island, and if you are lucky you can already meet some IBM folks at work.
Montag, 16. Juli 2012
3D Virtual World Cloud Party: New User Created and Facebook-based application
A few days ago I got to know the new Facebook-based and user-generated 3D virtual world called Cloud Party, invested and advised by Second Life Co-Founder Cory Ondrejka and Ex-Cryptic Studios CTO Bruce Rogers. I have to say, at the moment it is at it’s starting point and there are already quite a lot opportunities to express your 3D virtual world fantasies and desires. I am pretty sure that Cloud Party will develop quickly and become more popular soon.
The coolest thing about Cloud Party is that users can generate their 3D virtual world by themselves directly in your favorite internet browser. You can start Cloud Party very easy, all you have to do is just search it in Facebook and press the “visit website” button - so no more downloading and installing new softwares and creating new accounts. In a few seconds your 3D avatar is ready to check in Cloud Party. It works in all modern internet browsers such as Mozilla FireFox and Google Chrome. Although Internet Explorer is not recommended as your standart browser (because it sucks). Cloud Party is also accessible with an automatic download via IE.
You can also log in as an anonymous user, but for anonnymous users built and script functions are hidden.
When you start Cloud Party, there is a quick and fun tutorial. I suggest you to finish it, because it will give you good advices how to build 3D virtual objects and show all those things which Cloud Party has to offer. Also, when you finish the tutorial, you will get a cool free house and a piece of one of the cloud islands. Basically at the moment in Cloud Party you can create some basic 3D stuff, meet other Facebook users with their 3D Avatars, travel between cloud islands and also take and share Cloud Party screenshots with FB friends.
Check out the Cloud Party 3D virtual world chat Facebook application for free with or without a Facebook account here.
Read more in our 3D Internet and Webdesign Agency GmbH News Posts.
Reporting from GmnH headquater,
Anita Sabiņa
Montag, 9. Juli 2012
Make your 3D life more open with the free Club Cooee chat community
Hey, I just discovered this awesome 3D international chat community Club Cooee where you can make your own 3D Avatar, listen to music, become a DJ by sharing your favorite songs from Youtube, SoundCloud and Grooveshark, play games, chat, flirt and get to know really cool people from all over the world.
More than 150’000 people already like Club Cooee in Facebook and I am one of them, so why don’t you give it a chance and explore gorgeous 3D world, you can start your 3D journey here.
Read more about Club Cooee in our 3D Internet and Webdesign Agency GmbH news post.
Reporting from GmbH headquater,
Anita Stabiņa
More than 150’000 people already like Club Cooee in Facebook and I am one of them, so why don’t you give it a chance and explore gorgeous 3D world, you can start your 3D journey here.
Read more about Club Cooee in our 3D Internet and Webdesign Agency GmbH news post.
Reporting from GmbH headquater,
Anita Stabiņa
Montag, 11. Juni 2012
Hello, Im Anita - journalistic student from Latvia. Since the GmbH boys are somehow lazy in Social Media profiles, I am going to take care about company's communication trough Social Media.
Read more about me here:
Read more about me here:
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