Internet 3D, Virtuelle Welten, Cloud Party, Second Life, Open Sim ...
Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007
Universal Avatars
While all of you and the hole IBM developers crew had their christmas holidays, the allways buisy and never sleeping Jan and Tobias from the 24/7 and "one step ahead agency" did heavy research and tested the new Avatars !!
Click here to watch them at work!!
Tnx to LunAr Bailey for creating the highly textured costumized avatars! Good work!
Latenight newBERLIN Part two
Also, das German Newbie Center entwickelt sich noch zum Bolly..äh...Börliwood;)
Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007
Second Life® - The place where men are raining
The original Video here:
Wort des Jahres – "Second Life" auf Platz 7
Die komplette Top 10 im Überblick:
1. Klimakatastrophe
2. Herdprämie
3. Raucherkneipe
4. arm durch Arbeit
5. Dopingbeichte
6. Lustreisen
7. Second Life
8. Bundestrojaner
9. spritdurstig
10. Alles wird Knut
Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2007
Second Earth
(Well, its from august 2007, sorry for the delay!):
"The World Wide Web will soon be absorbed into the World Wide Sim: an environment combining elements of Second Life® and Google Earth®."
Latenight newBERLIN
Durch Zufall bin ich auf diese Videos gestoßen:
Ich will mehr solche Filme sehen!!
Freitag, 14. Dezember 2007
Second Life® in Skype®
Now you can - but you need crazy talk for skype software
Watch this tutorial:
Birthday Party Headquarter

Joo, we haben gefeiert am 7.12.07, siehe Flyer.
Fotos gibt es natürlich auch von der Party:
Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007
Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007
Jan im Interview
Montag, 3. Dezember 2007
Do you have 400 friends?
It has been added the 400th time last night.
A wild mixture of Avatars, SL™ Projects, Real Life Berlin stuff (clubs, bars, city districts e.g. Prenzlauerberg, agencies, art projects, radiostations, magazines, bands,...) and many, many, many private Users are on the list.
Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007
Second Life® und Deutschland im Pixelsebi-Ranking
newBERLIN auf Platz 3 !! Gut, gegen Calli haben wir natürlich keine Chance, Apfelland wird sicher bald überholt...;)
Die Anzahl der Gruppenmitglieder spiegelt sicher auch die Beliebtheit der SL Präsentationen wieder. Schliesslich tritt man in SL einer Gruppe freiwillig bei. Funny frisch auf Platz 4 liegt in meinen Augen z.B. sicherlich an der hervorragenden Umsetzung.
Das unsere Second Life® Gruppe "newBERLIN_Streetlife" so gross ist, haben wir aber natürlich vor Allem unseren Inworld Community Managern Zap Hax (er ist Gründer der Gruppe) und LunAr Bailey zu verdanken... !!

Donnerstag, 29. November 2007
If u nix speak english...
Und wir stehen mitten drin!! linked on official Second Life Page!
Ein Jahr harte SL Arbeit wurde belohnt...
Kugelsichere Westen!?
Gibt es denn immer noch keine kugelsicheren Westen auf slexchange !?
Dienstag, 27. November 2007
And, yes, we shortened our Name from to !
Maybe you can keep this a lot easier in your mind!!
Mittwoch, 14. November 2007
Samstag, 10. November 2007
Donnerstag, 8. November 2007
web 2.0 expo berlin 2007
To meet the increasing demand for Web 2.0 comprehension and skills, and to build a broader European Web 2.0 community, O’Reilly Media and CMP Technology have launched Web 2.0 Expo Berlin to take place 5-8 November, 2007 in Berlin, Germany. A companion event to the Web 2.0 Summit, it is the conference and tradeshow for the rapidly growing ranks of designers and developers, product managers, entrepreneurs, VCs, marketers, and business strategists who are embracing the opportunities created by Web 2.0 technologies."
my summary:
EVERYTHNG still seems to be about
- social -
so even google came up with:
orkult: build your OWN social network tool
THE big Q: How to build social NETWORKS and how to IMPLIMETING YOUR NEED (product);)
So the good news is: we already can do it better then in 2D boring text and picture content;
Second Life -the web 3.0- kicks in when web 2.0 really is developed and they start talking to each other.
Another topic, the web 1.0 just did the infrastructure, 2.0 is fillig it with applications,
and the future seems to use this all as a framework, to gain a totally user customized content,
filled with liquid kinds of widgets...
So we all work on a frame where user can paste in tools to fill this frame with thier content?
BTW: next time PLEASE better food and more coffee!!! (probably some chairs too;)
and MAYBE the BCC (Berlin Congress Center) would be the much better place for this event?
Mittwoch, 7. November 2007
Pssst!!: We bought the 10% !!
Montag, 5. November 2007
Samstag, 3. November 2007
Freitag, 2. November 2007
newBERLIN in exberliner
Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007
New SL™ Social Network: SLSCOUT.COM
Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007
Why Should an Architect Care about Computer Games?
Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: The Next Level
For an English version check
Buchpräsentation bei
Pro qm
Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007
Why Should an Architect Care about Computer Games?
Computerspiele und die Zukunft von Stadt und Architektur Buchvorstellung und Diskussion mit den Herausgebern und Gästen:
Aram Bartholl, Architekt und Medienkünstler
Friedrich von Borries, Architekt und Raumtaktiker
Matthias Böttger, Architekt und Raumtaktiker
Stephan Günzel, Philosoph und Medienwissenschaftler
Steffen P. Walz, Sozialwissenschaftler und Game Designer
“Space Time Play” ist eine Reise in die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft von Computer- und Videospielräumen.
Was versteckt sich hinter der perfekten Mauer aus Tetris-Steinen?
Wie befreit man eine 3-D Welt von Terroristen?
Wie gewinnt man polygone Freunde in fantastischen Netzwerk-Räumen?
Und was passiert, wenn diese Spielen niemals enden?
“Space Time Play” behandelt vielfältige Spielräume: Von Meilensteinen der Computer- und Videospielgeschichte über virtuelle Metropolen zu den digitalen Überlagerungen physischer Räume.
Die behandelten Spiel umfassen kommerzielle Produkte, künstlerische Projekte und wissenschaftliche Experimente genauso wie neuartige Spiel-Instrumente zum Entwerfen und Planen von Räumen.
Friedrich von Borries, Steffen P. Walz, Matthias Böttger (Hg.)
Space Time Play. Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: The Next Level
Birkhäuser 2007, ISBN: 978-3-7643-8414-2
Pro qm
thematische Buchhandlung zu Stadt, Politik, Pop, Ökonomiekritik, Architektur, Design, Kunst & Theorie
Almstadtstr. 48-50, D-10119 Berlin
Tel. 030.247 28520, Fax 030.247 28521
Metaverse Summit 2007 Newsletter
A few days left to save € 100 on Metaverse Summit registration
Special price registration closes Wednesday 29th October – register now for the Metaverse Summit in Berlin and save € 100.
Register here Jan Northoff & Tobias Neisecke GbR, agency for virtual worlds and 3D-visualisations, is official sponsor of the MetaverseSummit 2007 and besides, Northoff and Neisecke take part in the conference as a speaker.
The agency works on the advancement of 3D-internet and is realizing service-orientated representations and appearances of companies in virtual worlds as well as 3D-visualisations of all kinds. To demonstrate and implement their concept of merging virtuality and reality by a 3D-internet, the agency developed the platform newBERLIN in Second Life, the true to scale reproduction of Berlin. newBERLIN is an interactive platform that holds correspondence to reality and involves users by offering them entertainment, activities and information. At the same time, the virtual city provides ideal marketing value to the companies and bodies that are represented there. They can offer services and set up consumer-orientated virtual branches. In turn users get to know the companies and bodies in a playful way.
One way of merging reality and virtuality is by duplication events or broadcasting between the "worlds". is working in that field and therefore will broadcast parts of the Metaverse Summit 2007 via live-stream to newBERLIN.
At the conference Jan Northoff will discourse about why we need virtual shoes. He claims: "Virtuality is a lie: information is always real". Tobias Neisecke´s session is about the trend to reproduce cities in Second Life and on how to plan, manage, and promote a SL city. Why should a company have a branch in a SL city?At the time of the conference is celebrating its first anniversary and therefore there will not only be a talk looking back over the first year but also a big "birthday party". Every participant of the conference is invited to join the party on december 7th after the official program, as a relaxing finish.
Samstag, 27. Oktober 2007 listed on
The Newbies will be teleported directly to our Orientation area, which is set up and supported by the German Newbie Center(GNC). Tnx to the creators Tom Lowe, Johann Ehrler.
Teleport to GNC in newBERLIN via SLurl and watch the up-popping newBERLINers!
Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007
happy birthday corecon convention center
Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007
Philip Rosedale im Interview
Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2007
Solutions for Downtime
We had a nice session concerning the Berlin Sandbox at our flagstore before, see fotos here.
Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007
21th century fox
ComMeta Convention Center
Some RL impressions here
Some SL Impressions over there. Anyway, the RL visitors were so well entertained, amused (and mybe drunk) that we got a Jacket, a Pullover, a handy charger and a USB-Stick in our Lost & Found Folder...
The former called Corecon Convention Center switched name to ComMeta Convention Center.
Contact for virtual eventz/conferen-xing/lecturinx
Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007
Metaverse Summit 2007 in Berlin, 6-7th of December
Join the Metaverse Summit to explore and shape the future of the virtual and 3D Web
"What happens when video games meet Web 2.0? When virtual worlds meet geospatial maps of the planet? When simulations get real and life and business go virtual? When you use a virtual Earth to navigate the physical Earth, and your avatar becomes your online agent? What happens is the metaverse." (Smart, J.M., Cascio, J. and Paffendorf, J., Metaverse Roadmap Overview, 2007)
The web is moving from its 2D beginnings towards its virtual and 3D future. The Metaverse Summit will consist of two days featuring interactive sessions revolving the next generation of the internet - the Metaverse - in all its manifestations:
- Augmented Reality
- Lifelogging
- Mirror Worlds
- Virtual Worlds
The rapid development and exploration of 3D immersive environments is changing the way people communicate, collaborate, work and live. It is bringing about significant businesses as well as social and technological opportunities, challenges and questions. This unique event will bring together business leaders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, technologists, futurists, and industry participants to spend two days discussing current and emerging social, economic and technological trends and issues around the 3D-enabled web, virtual worlds, immersive networks, and ubiquitous information.
The Metaverse Summit 2007 will be held at the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin, Germany, on December 06 - 07, 2007, and will include
- Keynotes and presentations of well-known industry leaders
- Panel discussions and roundtables
- Showcasing and demonstration of the latest technologies and services from leading companies
- Unparalleled networking opportunities
The Metaverse Summit, organised by Helmut Reul, is the must attend event of the year and you all invite to participate in this great event for the exchange of new ideas in this exciting field!
For more information, please contact Helmut Reul at or +49 5961 271362.
Coreon Convention Center feiert Geburtstag bei uns im Showroom
Geburtstag feiern im Alexa!
Das einjährige Bestehen des Corecon Convention Centers rückt immer näher und damit auch die Geburtstagsparty! Alle, die in der Nacht vom 22. zum 23. Oktober zusammen mit uns in den CCC-Geburtstag reinfeiern möchten, sind herzlich dazu eingeladen. Wo? - Ganz wie Ihr wollt! Ab 19:30 Uhr startet die Geburtstagsparty virtuell in Second Life UND real im Showroom der Agentur YOUseeMEin3D, den Erbauern von newBERLIN, im neu eröffneten Alexa Shopping Center, Alexanderstraße 4, Berlin.
Freut Euch auf ein spannendes Programm mit interessanten Vorträgen. Als Referenten erwarten wir Markus Breuer und Christian Scholz. Markus Breuer, CEO der Firma The Otherland Group und begeisterter Second Life-Bewohner, spricht über “Erfolgsmessung in virtuellen Welten”. In einem zweiten Vortrag referiert Christian Scholz - vielen besser bekannt unter seinem Second Life-Namen Tao Takashi - zum Thema “Second Life Architecture”.
Neben diesen beiden spannenden Vorträgen warten noch weitere Überraschungen auf alle Geburtstagsgäste, unter anderem wird unser DJ *pPlaylist für angemessene Partystimmung sorgen.
Wann: 22.10. ab 19:30 Uhr | Wo: virtuell im Corecon Convention Center in Second Life – hier der Teleport ins CCC // real im Alexa Shopping Center bei “New Berlin”
19:30 Uhr - Get Together
20:00 Uhr - Eröffnungsrede mit Sebastian Küpers
20:30 Uhr - Vortrag von André Winzer, Geschäftsführer der Schaltzeit GmbH: “Virtual Conferencing – Chancen einer neuen Kommunikation” und anschließend Neueröffnung des CoreconCCs unter neuem Namen
21:00 Uhr - Vortrag von Markus Breuer: “Erfolgsmessung in virtuellen Welten - Ansätze und Standards”
21:45 Uhr - Erinnerungen an das erste Jahr CCC: Interviews
22:00 Uhr - Vortrag von Tao Takashi: “Second Life Architecture”
23:00 Uhr - Geburtstagsparty mit DJ *pPlaylist
Text: Melanie Wentow
Foto: Walter Schalter
Sloodle - 3D Learning Management System
Users: Click here to get involved... || Developers: See the dev resources...
See the Sloodle Wiki to find out how to install the Sloodle module and try out the Sloodle tools.
Current experimental applications:
Blog Toolbar, Chatcast, Enrollment booth, Gestures, Glossary, Grid Status, Quizchair, Real Names, Registration booth, Sloodle Set
Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007
Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2007
of this project:
Samstag, 29. September 2007
Better late then never...
Althought i´m curious:
Freitag, 28. September 2007
Donnerstag, 27. September 2007
Second Life Interview mit Robin Harper
Sonntag, 23. September 2007
Here i ran trough the picture at "First and Second City"
as i can see,
the digital rain
falls everywhere...
Welcome to our blog
introducing first:
January Lightfoot and his adventures with Jan Northoff
Logbook, first entry, re-entry:
this story was born on 06.dec.2006.
now raised up, and living and working in newBERLIN
Montag, 10. September 2007
BERLIN in Second Life Germany Deutschland Vituelle Welten Virtual Worlds