The BIZZin3D Meet Up is a symposium under the slogan: "Let´s meet, talk & discuss about business opportunities in 3D Internet" enabling participants to represent and discuss the business potentials of virtual worlds and 3D internet.
What to expect on the BIZZin3D Meet Up?
The emphasis of the event is based on moderated discussion rounds where up-to-date trends will be discussed with experts on the field on stage. Ultimately the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Comparably to a SWOT analysis, the BIZZin3D discussions will not only deal with the potential but also analyze and discuss the weaknesses of the medium. The goal is to develop solutions for the industry and hereby add to a further acceleration of growth for the branch. The discussions will be held in English.
Discussion Panels:
Main Panel
- Clare Rees, Linden Lab, "Second Life"
- Falko Liecke, Senate Department for Economics & Technology, "Berlin 3D Google Earth"
- Dick Davies, Forterra, "Olive"
- Dr. Mirko Caspar, Metaversum, "Twinity"
- Justin Bovington, Rivers Run Red, "Immersive workspaces"
- IBM Deutschland (inquired)
Moderator: Michael Schumann, CEO Second Interest
Panel II: German 3D virtual worlds, who takes the lead?!
- Bernhard Falch, Sulake, "habbo.de"
- Sebastian Funke, sMeet, "sMeet"
- Stefan Lemper, Cooee, "Club Cooee"
- Fabien Röhlinger, Bailamo, "Bailamo"
Moderator: Markus Breuer, CEO The Otherland Group
Panel III: The supply chain: Applicaton Providers for virtual worlds
- David Kaskel, "Languagelab"
- Dutch Exchange, "DX Exchange"
- Pasquale Vazzana, Medialeader S.r.l.,"Second Inventory"
- Andreas Mertens, SLTalk & Partner, "slXentral"
Moderation: Nic Mitham, CEO Kzero
Panel IV: Open Grid. Playground for geeks or ready for business solutions?!
- Melanie Thielker, OpenSimulator
- Antti Ilomäki, realXtend"
- Kai Ludwig, TalentRaspel virtual worlds, "OpenSimulator-Club Grid"
- Michael Steinmetz, Primforge, "Virtyou"
- Christian Scholz, COM.lounge
Moderator: Jan Northoff, CTO YOUin3D.com
(Subject to alteration)
When and where will the BIZZin3D Meet Up take place?
The 1.st BIZZin3D Meet Up will take place on
Whit Sunday, May 31st 2009 in the time from 16 p.m- 22 p.m.
in the event location and auditorium LaLuz (www.laluz.de)
Oudenarder Str. 16-20, 13347 Berlin, Germany.
Being the city of creativity with the highest compression of businesses and agencies within the field of virtual worlds/serious games/web 3.0 on in Germany, Berlin is the natural choice as home base for the event.
Who will be visiting the BIZZin3D Meet Up?
The BIZZin3D Meet Up is interesting for anyone dealing intensively with virtual worlds, both on a professional level (platform operators, media enterprises, application providers, agencies, consultants, journalists etc.) or on a leisure basis (user).
On the very same Whit weekend the Second Life Community Meeting 2009 will be taking place . Last year this event was attended by approximately 150 people a number which is expected to be substantially larger this year. The symbiosis of both events ensures a high number of participants at the BIZZin3D Meet Up.
Who is in charge of the BIZZin3D Meet Up?
The BIZZin3D Meet Up is organized by YOUin3D.com GmbH Berlin.Early Bird Tickets available until April 30th, 2009!!
Community Ticket
User, geek, student or close-fisted businessmen?
Early Bird:12 € / Regular: 24 €

Business Ticket
You´re only in it for the money ? You are representing a company?
Early Bird: 24 € / Regular: 48 €

Press Ticket
Fix price: 10 €

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