In springtime there is a accummulation of "webby" expos, meetings, barcamps etc. in Berlin. That´s why something like a label has been created, the so called "Berlin Web Week".
Next week there are 3 (D!) interesting events, transforming the berlinwebweek into a "Virtual Berlin Web Week":
26 May: Virtual Worlds Camp2

2nd edition of the Symposiums „Virtual Worlds Camp“ organised by Frogster Interactive.
Main Topic: Virtual goods & monetarization
There will be a session by somebody of mindark (entropia universe)!
Link to website(sorry, german only)
Online registration, it´s free
29- 31 May: Second Life Community Meeting (SLCM 2009)

2nd round for the largest meeting of SL addicted users in Germany. (150 participants last time).
Link to website (sorry, german only)
31 May: BIZZin3D Meet Up

"Let´s meet, talk & discuss business opportunities in 3D Internet & Virtual Worlds"
High-carat line up, including representatives of Linden Lab (Second Life), Metaversum (Twinity), habbo, Forterra, sMeet, Bailamo, OpenSim, Club Cooee, RiversRunRed and many others...
Link to website (sorry, english only!)
Online registration & tickets
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